Often when you are seeking relationship counselling, you are committed to your relationship but have reached an impasse. It might also be that you and your partner are needing clarity on whether you want to continue in your relationship. Relationship Counselling is a powerful experience, facilitating an environment where you can feel fully “heard” and understood by your partner as well as understanding how your partner is experiencing you. As your therapist I remain completely neutral, never taking sides, and accept both of you with the same level of empathy and unconditionality.

I have a passion for facilitating the development of healthy relationships and families. It may be that you have found your relationship becoming “stale”. You may be relatively happy in your relationship, but seeking greater depth and connection between you and your partner. Whatever your reason for seeking relationship counselling, it will likely help you reach clarity and understanding.

Relationship Counselling can be conducted online, although this might not be suitable for all. However, it may be the only option available to you, particularly if you and your partner often find yourselves in different locations and might find it difficult to meet together.

There is no fee for the initial session and you will be under no obligation to continue with therapy.

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